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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Glue - Demo 2012 - S/T 2014 - Flowers Of Friendship 2015

Country: Austin, Texas - USA 

Genre: Hardcore Punk
Label: Unknown 
Glue Demo 2012, Glue S/T 2014, Glue Flowers Of Friendship 2015.

The 2012 Demo to this day is still one of the great hardcore punk albums I've ever heard. It's full of powerful guitar, and bass riffs. Followed by some raw vocals and drums of course. Every song is sure to stick in your playlist for years to come. High recommended..

The 2014 S/T is just so fucking good.. It's name speaks for itself. It'll GLUE itself to your playlist..
Recommended the song Backwards Society. 

Flowers Of Friendship 2015 is just more hunger to unravel the flowers of friendship. "hint hint" 
Listen man, all these albums are fucking gold. Either you get with the hunger or who cares